Uncontrolled bleeding is a major cause of preventative deaths. Approximately 40% of trauma-related deaths worldwide are due to bleeding or its consequences, establishing hemorrhage as the most common cause of preventable death in trauma.
- Average time to bleed out—3-5 minutes
- Average time for 1st responders to arrive—7-10 minutes
- Trauma-related deaths worldwide due to bleeding 40%
The STOP THE BLEED® campaign is based on lessons learned by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on how best to control severe bleeding. The goal of STOP THE BLEED is to train and equip private citizens to use these medically proven bleeding control practices to save the lives of people who have suffered a traumatic injury involving severe blood loss.
STOP THE BLEED is a national campaign to encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. It is a public/private partnership led by the Department of Defense (DoD) and many other stakeholders. The DoD’s STOP THE BLEED (STB) Program is designed to train and equip the public to be able to treat traumatic injuries involving severe bleeding until the first responders arrive. STB is a public health initiative with support across public and private sector organizations and individuals committed to saving lives.
To achieve this goal, DoD has joined with a number of other governmental and private organizations in a public/private partnership to offer STOP THE BLEED classes and to expand the availability of high quality STOP THE BLEED kits and medical devices designed to control severe bleeding. To ensure the quality of the training classes and licensed products, DoD has registered the STOP THE BLEED mark in the U.S. and many other countries. It operates a trademark licensing program in an effort to ensure that all training classes promoted under the STOP THE BLEED brand teach DoD-approved courses and that all licensed products meet or exceed DoD standards for quality and functionality.
It is estimated that more than 30,000 lives could be saved each year if more people had this basic, straightforward, but vital STOP THE BLEED training.
David Schwartzman, IWLAR’s Range Officer Scheduler, is licensed as a STB Instructor. At our September Board meeting, David asked the Board of Directors to approve IWLAR applying to become a STB Educational Licensee. The board unanimously approved the request with David agreeing to take charge of the program. He submitted the application through the Stop the Bleed Coalition, a 501(c)3 charitable organization which is licensed by the US Department of Defense to support the STOP THE BLEED campaign by to offer a wide variety of DoD approved services and products to the growing STOP THE BLEED community and to the general public.

IWLAR was approved as an Educational Licensee through the Coalition. We look forward to teaching our community how to STOP THE BLEED. The Stop the Bleed Coalition Essentials of STOP THE BLEED Course, hands-on instructor led training. The hands-on training should take less than 90 minutes and will be taught at the IWLAR chapter house. Class size is limited to 10 students and the cost is $20/student Please check our online calendar and the Newsletter for further information. We plan on offering at least one class a month.
More than 6 Million people have learned how to STOP THE BLEED. You can, too! This one hour class includes a lecture portion and hands-on training. By the end of the class, you will know how to recognize life-threatening bleeding and how to apply a tourniquet and hemostatic dressing to slow or stop the bleeding.
The STOP THE BLEED campaign is administered by the Defense Health Agency and the Combat Casualty Care Research Program. All uses of the STOP THE BLEED name and logo are licensed to ensure that all bleeding control training programs and all products that display the STB logo meet DoD quality standards.