Our Youth Conservation Education Programs are geared toward children 5 to 12 years old. Our goal is to get the younger generation off the couch and outside. We want today’s youth to become interested in and learn about conservation issues, experience nature and all the wonder it has to offer.
We host five interactive, fun, educational, hands-on programs per year. Past events have included: Woodland Animals, Bee Keeping, Birds in Winter nature hike, Save our Stream water sampling, Fishing day, American Chestnuts orchard visit, Geode Cracking and Minerals, and a fall hike and marshmallow roast. We are already planning fun events for next season.
Our events are popular; generally having between 30 and 80 participants of varying age attend. The programs are geared towards children ages 5 to 12 but all ages are welcome. Older students are encouraged to earn their SSL hours by assisting with the events or by participating.
Junior Youth Conservation events are open to all IWLA members and their families along with the public. Most events are free or require a small fee to cover materials.

Let's Talk Trash!
The Jr. Youth Conservation team talked trash at the “Let’s Talk Trash” event pn February 24. The event was filled with fun and education about the importance of recycling and limiting single use plastic. Over 45 kids and adults enjoyed playing games made with recycled items (jars, tin cans, 2 liter soda bottles, paper wads and more).
The highlight was making "trashy art" by nailing colorful plastic lids to large wooden shapes that will be displayed around the IWLAR property. A guest speaker from Montgomery County Recycling center spoke to the group about how Montgomery County handles the trash and processes recyclable items. Short videos gave guests an eye-opening view of the plastic world we’ve become, the problem we are facing and suggestions to help. Everyone vowed to limit plastic usage and recycle, reduce, and reuse. Thank you to our dedicated volunteers that made this event a success.