Fishing Information
The three-acre Jim Berrier Memorial Lake, located at 12057 Clopper Road, is a popular place for members to fish. The lake is regularly stocked with rainbow trout. Creel limit for trout is three fish per day per member (includes guests’ catch). Bass and catfish are catch and release only. The lake includes a fishing pier, cookout pavilion and areas for camping.
The chapter also works in partnership with Seneca Valley Trout Unlimited. SVTU holds their monthly meetings and fly tying classes at the Chapter house and in the spring they have their Fly Fishing 101 clinic and a Casting Clinic at the lake.
- When visiting the lake area, please follow the Lake Rules.
- If you are going to be flying a drone, please follow the Rules for Flying a Drone on Chapter Property.
- Learn about how to use the solar system at the pavilion.

Stocking the Lake
The lake on our chapter property is stocked with trout in the fall and early-spring. We get the fish from a Maryland-approved fish hatchery. The fish—both rainbow and brown trout—are loaded into a tank and are delivered to the lake where our members help with the stocking. On the stocking day, the fish are pulled from the tank and put into buckets and the members carry the buckets to the lake. It is a great time by everyone who participates.